GentrifiedAppsUtil Help

How to use it?

First, make sure you setup the gamepad before your runOpMode as such

GamepadPlus gamepad = new GamepadPlus(this.gamepad1,true);

Then, if you want to use loopSaver, which may decrease overall robot performance, use this block at the very beginning after the while(opModeIsActive)


Then, just call the variable. function you want to use, it has many and all self explanatory.

Lastly, run below code at the end of while(opModeIsActive) in order to make it all work.


Make sure you use the correct enum when calling the button, the full example is below.

import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Disabled; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.TeleOp; import org.gentrifiedApps.gentrifiedAppsUtil.looptime.analyzer.LoopTimeAnalyzer; import org.gentrifiedApps.gentrifiedAppsUtil.looptime.analyzer.TestableFunctions; @TeleOp @Disabled public class GamepadOpMode extends LinearOpMode { GamepadPlus gamepad = new GamepadPlus(this.gamepad1,true); GamepadPair gamepadPair = new GamepadPair(this.gamepad1,this.gamepad2,true); //contains both gamepads @Override public void runOpMode() { waitForStart(); while (opModeIsActive()) { gamepadPair.loopSavingRead(); // only works when loopSaver is enabled // does both gamepads gamepadPair.getGamepad1Plus().buttonJustPressed(Button.LEFT_BUMPER); //little more tedious to do this gamepadPair.getGamepad2Plus().buttonJustPressed(Button.LEFT_BUMPER); gamepadPair.sync();// syncs both gamepads gamepad.loopSavingRead(); // only works when loopSaver is enabled gamepad.buttonJustPressed(Button.LEFT_BUMPER); //checks if button was just pressed gamepad.sync(); // syncs gamepad } } }
Last modified: 20 February 2025