GentrifiedAppsUtil Help


Why use it?

Using analog encoders is incredibly necessary in FIRST, but uses operations and math to get the current position.

How to use it

public class AnalogEncoderOpMode extends LinearOpMode { AnalogEncoder analogEncoder = null; List<Operation> operations = Arrays.asList(new Operation(Operand.DIVIDE, 3.0), new Operation(Operand.MULTIPLY, 2.0)); // operations to be performed on the encoder value @Override public void runOpMode() { analogEncoder = new AnalogEncoder("encoder",0.0,operations); analogEncoder.init(hardwareMap); waitForStart(); while (opModeIsActive()) { double currentPose = analogEncoder.getCurrentPosition(); // get the current position of the encoder } } }

The operations follow their order, aka if you do DIVIDE then ADD, it will happen in that order, then getCurrentPosition follows that and will get the degrees of rotation

Last modified: 20 February 2025