Sample Data Detector (sdd)
Sample data detector does as it says, it gets information of the sample closest to the center and gives you information of the selected sample. This is mainly for the Into the Deep season as it is important to be able to see the orientation and color of the sample closest.
There aren't any builders for this class as it is much easier to use than moa or bow. There are two variables you enter into the class as follows.
listOf(ReturnType.COLOR, ReturnType.CENTER, ReturnType.ANGLE)
Complete code should look like this:
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;
import android.util.Size;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode;
import org.gentrifiedApps.velocityvision.pipelines.sample.ReturnType;
import org.gentrifiedApps.velocityvision.enums.Alliance;
import org.gentrifiedApps.velocityvision.pipelines.sample.CameraLock;
import org.gentrifiedApps.velocityvision.pipelines.sample.SampleDataDetector;
public class testAuto extends LinearOpMode {
private SampleDataDetector processor;
private VisionPortal portal;
public void runOpMode() {
processor = new SampleDataDetector(
portal = new VisionPortal.Builder()
.setCamera(hardwareMap.get(WebcamName.class, "Webcam 1")) // set camera name
.setCameraResolution(new Size(640, 480)) // set the camera resolution
.addProcessor(processor) // add the processor we just created
waitForStart(); // wait for start as used in opmode
CameraLock cameraLock = processor.returnCameraLock(); // set camera lock to camera lock from processor
cameraLock.getAngle(); // gets the angle from the camera lock
cameraLock.getColor(); // gets color from the camera
cameraLock.getCenter(); // gets center of object from camera
This all makes the detector as well as showing how to get information from it.
Last modified: 20 February 2025