Code Training Module Help

Running Code

Once you have implemented all of your code, and you think it should do what you want, proceed through these steps!

Running your code

To put the code onto your robot, you will plug in the RC phone or the control hub to your computer and press the runa button. It will take a bit to load and once it finishes, you can disconnect.

Creating a configuration for your robot

A configuration on your robot is how your robot will know where all of your devices are hooked up to the control and expansion hub. Your configuration will be created on your driver station or driver phone. To do this, press on the three dots in the corner, then configuration. Now if this is your first time, you will need to hit the scan button so it finds your control and expansion hub, as well as any cameras you have connected to the robot. It will give you a warning because it will override anything you don't have saved on the DS but there should be nothing saved so don't worry about that. Next, you will access the control hub or expansion hub portal and set all of your hardware devices up. These are set up in your code as Strings. The type of device is up to you to select. Then just copy the exact name from the code into the configuration menu. Once you have completed all of these steps for each device hit save and then activate your configuration after you give it a name. I typically just use one that is my team number so it doesn't get confusing. Then you will be able to select your opMode and press the init and start button to start the robot.

Once again to reiterate:

  • Press the three dots on the DS

  • Go into the configuration menu

  • Scan (if needed)

  • Setup all of your devices with the name and type from your code

  • Name, save, and activate the configuration

  • Start playing around with your robot!

Last modified: 20 February 2025